The Muse Process
Unleashing the Power of the Feminine for Success and Fulfillment
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About the Book
We are all instilled with principles, passed down through generations, that guide our feelings and behaviors. Women often feel immense pressure to live up to preconceived standards when taking on the roles of wife, partner or mother. The drive to meet expectations can lead to a sense of lost individuality and feelings of isolation and invisibility. This book serves as a guide through the “muse process,” which encourages women to explore their innate feminine power to reach their full potential and create a happier, healthier life.
About the Author(s)
Praise for the Book
- “A toolkit for women who want to own their intrinsic power while accessing their creativity in order to know and live their life purpose. A five-step process is given…. The book walks you through the five steps while providing plenty of exercises and stories that illustrate and support each step. It’s easy to see that Cox has not only lived these processes herself but that she has guided many others through them as well.”—New Spirit Journal
Bibliographic Details
Barbara Cox
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 213
Bibliographic Info: 9 photos, appendices, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2019
pISBN: 978-1-4766-7491-9
eISBN: 978-1-4766-3529-3
Imprint: Exposit Books
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments xi
Preface 1
1. Finding Your Inner Success Muse—Your Mental App for Success 7
Overview: What Is the Five-Step Muse Process? 8
What Are the Conscious Mind and the Unconscious Mind? 10
Case Study—Jennifer and Her Dream Job 15
Practice—Relaxed Breathing Activity 17
Practice—Envision Your Ideal Work-Life Situation 19
Practice—Lock In Your Life Vision 22
Our Mind as an Upgradable App 26
2. Relaxed Alpha State = Meditative State 31
What Is a Natural Meditative State? 32
Practice—Body Scan Meditation Exercise 33
Practice—Defining Your Space Exercise: Who Am I? 35
Case Study—Maria Defining Her Space 40
Revisiting Your Life Vision 45
Practice—Safe Place Guided Meditation Exercise 46
The Body and the Unconscious 48
Practice—Body Tune-In Exercise 49
3. Following Your Intuition 53
What Leads to an Intuitive State? 54
Learning to Follow Your Gut More Often 55
Dealing with Resistance 58
What Does Work Bring? 60
What Does Life Bring? 61
Unwrap Your Gifts 63
What to Do If Things Feel Vague 64
4. Getting Results by Taking Action 67
Practice—The Solution Generator Exercise 68
Acknowledge Emotions as You Shift Gears 70
Practice—Action Planner Exercise 75
Practice—Your Kind Friend 76
Practice—Daily Diary of Guided Actions 30-Day Exercise 78
5. Focus and Unlock Your Power 82
Practice—Focus Words Exercise 83
Unlocking Your Power 87
Practice—Focus Points Exercise 88
Practice—Positive Thoughts Lead to Positive Imagery Exercise 90
Going from Invisible to Visible 92
Practice—Becoming Visible 99
6. Cultivating Collaboration and Tribe 104
Cultivating Collaboration in Your Life 105
Case Study—Sabrina’s Confidence and New Connections 112
Practice—Connecting to Your Tribe Meditation Exercise 115
7. What Channel Are You On? Archetypes and
Synchronicity 126
What an Archetype Is and Why It Matters for You 127
How to Upgrade Archetype Apps 133
Synchronicity and How to Activate It with Archetypes 143
Practice—Another Way to Update Your Archetypal App 149
8. Higher Mind States—Neutrality as a Tool 153
The Neutrality Tool 154
Neutrality in Action—New Perspectives 155
Flip the Switch 155
Remaining Neutral 158
The Landing Pad 159
Epilogue 164
Appendix A. Some New and Review Guided Meditations
for Step 2 of the Muse Process 167
The New You Guided Meditation 167
A Basic Pattern Change Meditation 179
Review—Body Scan Meditation Exercise 186
Review—Safe Place Guided Meditation 188
Progressive Muscle Relaxation—A Guided Meditation 190
Appendix B. Additional Resources 196
Index 199