Death Sentences in Missouri, 1803–2005
A History and Comprehensive Registry of Legal Executions, Pardons, and Commutations
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About the Book
This chronological discussion of the death penalty in Missouri covers those executed from 1803 through 2005. Sources include newspapers, county histories, prison records, Union Army records, pardon papers and appellate court cases.
Chapters discuss such topics as the death penalty offenses of Indians and blacks; death sentences carried out by the military; lynchings; the gas chamber; the executions of rapists, juveniles, and women; pardons and commutations; appellate court reversals; and lethal injection.
About the Author(s)
Praise for the Book
• “A useful work”—ARBA
• “Shines a shocking light on the many different types of people that Missouri has executed”—The Advocate
• “An outstanding and much needed piece of scholarship. I…hope that it is available in all law libraries”— Charles B. Blackmar, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri
• “Authoritative, well-written, one of a kind, a first rate index. Frazier’s book illuminates the forgotten past and the ignored present of Missouri’s death penalty”—Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking
• “A thorough investigative work”—Death Penalty Information Center
Bibliographic Details
Harriet C. Frazier
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 279
Bibliographic Info: 13 photos, appendices, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2006
pISBN: 978-0-7864-2719-2
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments vii
List of Illustrations xi
Preface 1
1. Indians and Whites, 1803–1864 7
2. Slaves and Free Blacks, 1826–1863 23
3. Union Army Executions, 1861–1865 39
4. Black and White, 1866–1889 56
5. The Nineties and Beyond, 1890–1907 71
6. Reform Attempts and the Continuation of Hangings, 1907–1937 89
7. The Gas Chamber, 1938–1965 104
8. Juveniles, 1838–1993 119
9. Rape, 1891–1964 133
10. Women, 1834–1953 150
11. Pardons and Commutations, 1803–1999 162
12. Appellate Court Reversals, 1818–2005 174
13. Lethal Injection, 1989–2005 186
Appendix 1: Executions of Death Sentences in Missouri, 1803–2005 197
Appendix 2: Pardons and Commutations in Missouri’s Death Sentences, 1803–1999 215
Chapter Notes 223
Bibliography 249
Index 255