Scandinavian Blue

The Erotic Cinema of Sweden and Denmark in the 1960s and 1970s


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About the Book

This book traces the development of modern Scandinavian erotic cinema as it evolved in Denmark and Sweden, from the gentle Swedish naturalist films, starting with One Summer of Happiness in the 50s, to the controversial groundbreakers like I Am Curious (Yellow) of the 60s and on through to the dawn of “Liberated Denmark,” where, in the early 70s, the abolition of censorship was celebrated in films like 24 Hours with Ilse and the production of a number of other films that were blatantly pornographic. Also considered is the influence of these films on other countries, particularly the United States, where Scandinavian erotic cinema helped to set in motion the sexual revolution and contributed to the end of film censorship.

About the Author(s)

An American expatriate living in Denmark since 1993, Jack Stevenson has written extensively about Danish cinema.

Praise for the Book

• “There’s no better authority on exploitation cinema to head up this fascinating, in-depth history of the sexually liberated cinema”—Shock Cinema
• “Indispensable…a valuable and entertaining book”—Cineaste
• “An absolutely fascinating read”—Little Shoppe of Horrors
• “Knowledgeable, intelligently…one of the best (and best designed) books to surface under the McFarland imprint”—Video Watchdog
• “Eye-opening…indispensible. A clear overview (of the subject) penned in an accessible style”—North-Art Magazine
• “Thorough and comprehensive. There is simply no better or more comprehensive book on this subject”—pop
• “A major work of film scholarship that belongs on the bookshelf of every serious film buff”—Van Helsing’s Journal
• “Iinsanely heroic…a breath of fresh air in the history of cinema”—John Waters
• “An engaging, well-written history filled with fascinating characters. A must for anyone interested in sex cinema”—Linda Williams, author of Hardcore: Power, Pleasure and the Frenzy of the Visible and Porn Studies

Bibliographic Details

Jack Stevenson
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 304
Bibliographic Info: 95 photos, appendices, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2010
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4488-5
eISBN: 978-1-4766-1259-1
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments      viii
Photo Credits      ix
Preface      1
Introduction      3

One. To 1966: Birth of a Mythology      7
One Summer of Happiness      8
Summer with Monika      12
The Duel      26
Weekend      28
Crazy Paradise      37
The Silence      39
Street Without End      41
Nymphomania; Call-Girls; “Heroes”      46
I, a Woman      59
Soya’s 17      68
Venom (a.k.a. Gift)      71
Loving Couples and Night Games      82

Two. 1967–1970: Censorship’s Last Stand      85
I, a Nobleman      85
I Am Curious (Yellow)      88
Inga      98
Sweden: Heaven or Hell?      101
Danish Blue      103
Without a Stitch      107
Heaven and Hell      118
Sensuela      124
First Prize Irene      128
The Language of Love      130
Relations—The Love Story from Denmark      137
Christa      140
The Daughter      141
Quiet Days in Clichy      147
Censorship in Denmark—A New Approach      154
Bedside Manner      157

Three. 1971 and Beyond: Total Freedom in Fact and Fiction      163
The Swinging Stewardesses      171
Freedom to Love      172
Why?      174
24 Hours with Ilse      177
Facts: Copenhagen Sex-Report      182
Bordello      189
Sexy Girls of Denmark      193
Adventure in Denmark      194
The Sinful Dwarf      199
Young Playthings      208
They Call Her One-Eye      210
Confessions of a Danish Cover Girl      213
Danish Pastries      215

Four. The Passing of an Era      220

Appendices      233
I. Jens Jørgen Thorsen: The Jesus Chronicles      233
II. Ole Ege, the Gentleman Pornographer      247
III. The Wet Dream Film Festival      255
IV. The Players      258
V. English and Original Titles      273

Notes      279
Bibliography      285
Index      287