Women Serial and Mass Murderers
Profiles of 85 Killers Worldwide, 1580–1990
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About the Book
It is at 31.4 years of age that the average woman multiple murderer kills the first of her 17 victims, whom she usually knows or is related to. The preferred method is poison, usually arsenic. She is more likely to prey on the vulnerable—the very young or the very old—than is her male counterpart. Her killing spree lasts five years; when caught, she shows little remorse.
This study of 85 women focuses on those who have killed at least three people, not including themselves in murder-suicide cases. Though the work is international, emphasis is on the United States during the late 19th and 20th centuries. Excluded are accomplices who, though legally guilty of multiple murders, were in fact passive participants.
The life of each killer is examined, as well as descriptions of the murders, the methods, and the trial.
About the Author(s)
Praise for the Book
“unique reference”—Booklist; “recommended”—ARBA.
Bibliographic Details
Kerry Segrave
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 333
Bibliographic Info: notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2013 [1992]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-7617-6
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0606-4
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Amy Archer-Gilligan 10
Johanna Healy Bacher 14
Velma Barfield 15
Elizabeth Bathory 20
Mrs. Leon Bearce 24
Martha Beck 26
Marie Becker 32
Kate Bender 35
Patricia Bolin 39
Harjit Kaur Bhuller Brar 42
Marie de Brinvilliers 44
Inez Campbell 51
Patty Cannon 52
Opal Juanita Collins 56
Patricia Columbo 59
Glenda Cooper 64
Mary Ann Cotton 66
Anna Cunningham 74
Lillie May Curtis 78
Rachal David 81
Nellie Dcyzheski 87
Catherine Deshayes 89
Nannie Doss 92
Amelia Dyer 98
Lillian Edwards 102
Christine Falling 105
Susanna Fazekas 112
Elizabeth Fiederer 118
Priscilla Ford 120
Lafonda Fay Foster and Tina Marie Hickey Powell 126
Edna Fuller 134
Janie Lou Gibbs 136
Sister Godfrida 138
Delfina Gonzales and Maria Gonzales 140
Gesina Gottfried 142
Gwendolyn Graham 147
Belle Gunness 155
Anna Hahn 162
Violet Hultberg 167
Mary Jane Jackson 169
Marie Jeanneret 172
HCl6ne Jegado 177
Annie Jones 182
Roxanne Jones 183
Charlotte Juenemann 186
Kathleen King 188
Tillie Klimek 192
Christa Lehmann 197
Anjette Lyles 199
Alma May McAninch 203
Carol MacDonald 206
Sarah Malcolm 208
Martha Marek 210
Rhonda Belle Martin 213
Daisy Louisa de Melker 218
Elsie Nollen 224
Maureen O’Donohue 226
Bonnie Parker 228
Marie Pasos 232
Popova 233
Dorothea Montalvo Puente 234
Florence Ransom 243
Vera Renczi 246
Martha Rendall 248
Sarah Jane Robinson 250
Amelia Sach and Annie Walters 254
Antoinette Scieri 257
Lydia Sherman 260
Mamie Shey Shoaf 264
Della Sorenson 265
Mariam Soulakiotis 270
Hieronyima Spara 273
Marybeth Tinning 275
La Toffania 282
Jane Toppan 284
Ruth Urdanivia 290
Sophie Ursinus 295
Waltraud Wagner 296
Marie Walkup 298
Margaret Waters 300
Jeanne Weber 303
Catherine Wilson 308
Martha Hasel Wise 313
Anna Zwanziger 318
Index 323