Jack the Ripper and Black Magic

Victorian Conspiracy Theories, Secret Societies and the Supernatural Mystique of the Whitechapel Murders


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About the Book

Jack the Ripper is a gothic tale of Victorian conspiracies, the supernatural, secret societies and the police. Scotland Yard hunted a serial killer shrouded in politics as the mutilator of East End prostitutes infused pop culture with demonic horror. This book uses historic sources and rare official reports to reveal dark and supernatural aspects of the Ripper case.

About the Author(s)

Writer and historian Spiro Dimolianis lives in Sydney, Australia.

Bibliographic Details

Spiro Dimolianis

Foreword by Stewart P. Evans

Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 236
Bibliographic Info: 26 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2011
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4547-9
eISBN: 978-0-7864-8472-0
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments      vi
Foreword by Stewart P. Evans      1
Preface      5

1. Ghosts of the Ripper Wake      11
2. Sacred Prostitution      27
3. Faith and Occult Crimes      43
4. Suspect Dr. Roslyn D’Onston      74
5. Vittoria Cremers and the Lodger      98
6. Hexes, Hoaxes and the Beast      114
7. Whitechapel Secret Service      146

Chapter Notes      199
Bibliography      221
Index      225